Transforming Health with Compassion: Understanding Your Food Relationship for Lasting Wellness

Written by Nabila Bhimji

A Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a certified Food Psychology Coach, Mind-Body/Coach, Food Relationship Coach, and Life Coach from Coquitlam, BC. - Canada

May 5, 2024


Transforming Health with Compassion: Understanding Your Food Relationship for Lasting Wellness

Our bodies are meant to use food for fuel, for healing, for keeping our brain and body sharp and active. Somewhere along the line, food has come to mean other things. We use food to comfort, to bring joy, cover up traumas, avoid emotions, to socialize, to feel love, or  to destress

Will power is not the reason that many are unsuccessful at staying on course with healthy eating. Nutrient deficiencies and biochemical imbalances play a big role. But, there’s also another missing piece to your long term health success, your relationship  with food.  Long-term sustainable health is difficult unless you understand what got you to where you are in the first place. That’s why in my practice we take multiple factors into consideration, including nutrition, lifestyle, toxins, biochemistry balancing, and a look at food addictions, destructive food patterns, why you eat the way you do, what purpose you use food for, and any distorted thinking around food.

The first step to healing is compassion for yourself. All through your life you have done the best that you can with the self knowledge you possessed and where you were in life. Today is a new day for you to make a change. Do not beat yourself up about the past, it’s over.

The second step is courage. Working through your old habits to have incredible energy, to be free from health concerns that slow you down, to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety is going to take work and a deep look at how you got here.

There are some steps you can start taking right away as you embark on your healing journey.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are here on your own journey with your own set of circumstances, values and life experiences. And remember, just because someone looks all put together on the outside, you have no idea what is going on in their life and what their life battles and challenges are.
  2. Keep a journal of what you eat, what times you eat, your hunger and energy levels before and after your meal, as well as any emotions you are feeling before you start your meal. If you are eating when you are not really hungry, look to see if you are feeling lonely, angry or stressed. Did something stressful and emotional, like a fight with a loved one, just take place?
  3. Practice gratitude daily. Sometimes just realizing how blessed your life really is, will make reaching for that unhealthy snack not as dire.
  4. Really enjoy the food you are eating. Savor every bite. Enjoy the taste, texture and smell. Connecting with your food and being grateful for your meal will fill you up on more than just a physical level, but a spiritual and phycological level also.
  5. Let go of being perfect. You are only human after all! You are going to slip up and that’s ok. Life gets the better of you sometimes. The key is to recognize why it happened and get back on track at your next meal.


Nutritional support is also important during this transition. Key vitamins and minerals to include are Vitamin C, D , Zinc and Magnesium.

Ready to embark on your journey towards holistic wellness? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation today to explore how we can support you on your path. Plus, don’t miss out on exclusive tips and insights – sign up for our newsletter to stay informed and inspired on your wellness journey!


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